mindpotion Blog
Saturday, 21 June 2014
Cooking with a microwave destroys nutrients in food and promotes deficiencies
Mood:  d'oh
Topic: Nutrition

Microwaves absolutely decimate the nutritional value of your food, destroying the very vitamins and phytonutrients that prevent disease and support good health. Previous studies have shown that as much as 98% of the cancer-fighting nutrients in broccoli, for example, are destroyed by microwaving.

To understand why, you have to understand the nature of vitamins and phytonutrients (plant-based nutrients). These are very delicate molecules which are fragile. They are easily destroyed by heat, which is why raw plant foods contain more plant nutrients than cooked foods. Carotenoids, antioxidants and other molecules like DIM (in broccoli) or anthocyanins (in purple corn) are all easily destroyed by microwave energy.

Microwaves "nuke" your food at a cellular level

Microwaving is the worst way to cook foods because microwaves excite the water molecules inside whatever you're cooking, causing heat to be formed from the inside out. This results in a cell-by-cell "nuking" of the food (such as broccoli, carrots, etc.), causing the near-total molecular decomposition of the vitamins and phytonutrients that promote disease.

Microwaved food is not merely "dead" food at every level, it is food that has been molecularly deconstructed, leaving nothing but empty calories, fiber and minerals. Virtually the entire vitamin and phytonutrient content has been destroyed.

Anybody who says microwaving food is a healthy way to cook is wildly ignorant of nutrition and cooking methods. While steaming vegetables is, indeed, a good method for some veggies to help make certain nutrients more bioavailable, microwaving destroys veggies from the inside out at a cellular level.

Don't be fooled by appearances

What's really deceptive about microwave cooking is that the food still appears to be basically the same, but at the cellular level, it's like a nuclear war has taken place. The actual molecular structure has been decimated. If you could see microwaved foods with a powerful microscope, you'd never eat them again because you would recognize just what a nutritional wasteland they really are.

If you want to eat in a healthy way, make sure a significant part of your diet is raw plants. It's okay to eat some steamed, stir-fried or even grilled veggies, but when grilling foods, avoid burning them because all burned parts contain toxic, cancer-causing chemicals that promote colon cancer.

Personally, I am absolutely astonished that more people don't already know all this. I'm even having to talk with my own staff about these issues, as they don't seem to know the full story on microwave cooking. Spread the word: Microwaves promote death because they turn nutritious, healthy food into empty, decimated calories. I gave up using a microwave well over a decade ago, and I don't even own one.

Remember, a person who cooks a lot of their food with microwaves will inevitably have chronic nutritional deficiencies that promote cancer, diabetes, bone diseases, loss of brain function, heart disease and many other health problems. The least healthy people of any society are typically the ones who frequently use the microwave oven to "nuke" their foods.

Learn more: naturalnews.com

Posted by Neil Bartlett DHyp M.A.E.P.H at 00:01 MEST
Updated: Saturday, 21 June 2014 01:10 MEST
Friday, 25 April 2014
The amazing benefits of eating coconuts
Mood:  happy
Topic: Nutrition

Given the many times that experts have touted the benefits of consuming more fruits and vegetables, it should come as no surprise to learn that coconuts posses some amazing benefits. A tropical fruit that is a versatile as it is unusual, coconuts are now processed around the world to produce a number of products, including sugar, soap, milk, cosmetic products, butter, flour and the ever-popular, coconut oil. Given the popularity and widespread availability of these various products that utilize coconuts and their benefits, it can sometimes be easy to overlook these round, hard-skinned fruits in their more natural state.

Eating fresh coconuts, as a sizable portion of the world's population does as part of their daily diet, according to the Coconut Research Center, reaps many benefits that people will find attractive. Just a few of these advantages are outlined below.

Improves functioning of the brain

Just one serving of the fresh, white, fragrant coconut meat provides a person with 17% of their daily supply of copper. This trace mineral is responsible for activating enzymes that then trigger neurotransmitter production. These neurotransmitters are responsible for transferring information from cell to cell. This finding shows great promise in keeping age-related diseases, such as Alzheimer's, at bay.

Manage weight

As the world's people become heavier, obesity brings crushing health issues that are both short, and long, term. A study in the June 2006 issue of Ceylon Medical Journal found that a dietary fat called medium-chain triglycerides (MCT) is found in abundant quantities in coconuts. MCTs are known to aid significantly in the loss of weight given the speed at which the human body can metabolize them. MCTs have also been shown to help curb hunger pangs more effectively than those long-chain triglycerides such as the ones found in dairy products and meats.

Improve cardiovascular health

Another way the MCTs in coconuts have been shown to improve health is in reducing the total amounts of cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels. A study in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition in October 2008 showed that volunteers who consumed MCTs as a part of a weight loss plan that was to last for four months showed a significant reduction in the amounts of harmful cholesterol levels in their blood.

Add fibre

Just one cup of coconut meat has been shown to contain seven grams of fiber, This is according to the USDA National Nutrient Database. Most people already know that fiber helps keep the intestinal tract healthy and guards against constipation; fiber also helps protect people from diabetes, boosts their immune systems, lower the LDL cholesterol levels in blood and reduce blood sugar levels.

Adding just a few cups of raw, natural coconut to the diet several times a week can reap huge benefits for people. From children to centenarians, coconuts provide health benefits that cannot be overlooked

Learn more: naturalnews.com

Posted by Neil Bartlett DHyp M.A.E.P.H at 00:01 MEST
Updated: Friday, 25 April 2014 01:01 MEST
Wednesday, 16 April 2014
Barley grass: a nutrient-rich superfood
Mood:  chatty
Topic: Nutrition

Barley was one of the first major grains to be cultivated by man, and remains the fourth most cultivated cereal grain in the world. Matured barley is commonly used in beer production, and as animal feed. Young barley shoots, however, are consumed almost exclusively as a health food, and for good reason: research suggests that these gluten-free shoots, which are called barley grass and are typically consumed in juiced for powdered form, contain a huge number of nutrients that are lost when the shoots enter the reproductive cycle.

Four reasons to love barley grass

1.) Reduces cholesterol -- A study published in the Journal of Chiropractic Medicine in 2008 found that subjects who were fed barley grass products as part of a 21-day nutritional program showed noticeably lower levels of total and LDL cholesterol than the control group. This research was reinforced by a later 2010 study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, in which researchers found that consuming whole barley grain foods and barley grass juice reduced LDL cholesterol. LDL cholesterol is the "bad" cholesterol that accumulates in the walls of our blood vessels, and can contribute to heart disease if left unchecked. Therefore, eating more LDL cholesterol-lowering foods like barley grass can directly boost our cardiovascular health.

2.) Rich in chlorophyll -- Like wheatgrass, another supergreen to which barley grass is often compared, barley grass is one of the world's finest sources of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is a potent blood cleanser and builder, and helps us increase our hemoglobin levels so that our red blood cells can provide our cells with more oxygen. Since destructive bacteria cannot thrive in the presence of oxygen, barley grass can play an important role in shielding us from serious diseases like cancer. Moreover, barley grass contains a large number of antioxidants (including the extremely potent antioxidant, superoxide dismutase), which compound its disease-fighting properties.

3.) Boosts digestive health -- Barley grass contains a large number of important digestive enzymes such as cytochrome oxidase, lipase, protease and amylase. According to Dr. Gillian McKeith, author of the book 12 Natural Superfoods to Transform Your Health, these enzymes are the reason why long-term consumption of barley grass has been shown to aid celiac disease, indigestion, Crohn's disease, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and a host of other digestion-related issues. Additionally, barley grass is comprised of approximately 6 percent dietary fiber, which flushes the colon of toxins and creates an environment conducive to good health.

4.) Dense in nutrients -- Perhaps barley grass's biggest appeal is its remarkable concentration of nutrients, which far exceeds those of synthetic vitamin and mineral supplements. Spectral analysis provided by BetterWay2Health shows that barley grass contains all the vitamins apart from vitamin D, and is particularly high in vitamins C and A (it even contains small amounts of B12). Barley grass also contains a large number of minerals such as calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc and chromium. Lastly, barley grass is comprised of approximately 45 percent protein, which is twice as much as wheat germ. This protein is extremely high-quality and contains all eight essential amino acids, which is why so many bodybuilders (especially vegetarian bodybuilders) add barley grass powder to their post-workout smoothies.

About the author:

Michael Ravensthorpe is an independent writer whose research interests include nutrition, alternative medicine, and bushcraft. He is the creator of the website, Spiritfoods, through which he promotes the world's healthiest foods.

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com

Posted by Neil Bartlett DHyp M.A.E.P.H at 00:01 MEST
Updated: Wednesday, 16 April 2014 01:08 MEST
Saturday, 15 March 2014
Suppressed nutritional secrets to preventing disease
Mood:  loud
Topic: Nutrition

Today we know more about vitamins, minerals and nutrition in general then ever before, but at the same time there are various elements of the media and medical community that want to keep everyone in the dark about the true role and power that vitamins play in our health and life.

It's been known since the turn of the last century that the cause of nearly all degenerative diseases as well as the weakening of the immune system that makes one susceptible to communicable diseases is deficiencies of various key nutrients or total lack of them altogether.

Of course this knowledge has been carefully and cleverly hidden from the public for over one hundred years now since they can't have people learning that they can be healthy merely by taking the right nutrients and the right amounts of each. That's why as is the case with vitamin C and many other vitamins, the RDA for most nutrients is pathetically low and barely enough to keep you alive, let alone for you to be healthy and strong.

The war against natural medicine

Since the mid 1800s, the naturopathic doctors have ceaselessly and constantly come under attack by the MDs and organized medical community. As the mechanized view of the body and the germ theory of disease began to become more accepted along with the belief that chemicals and drugs were the way of the future, the attacks became more frequent, bold and progressed to outright lies at times. That's because the MD, with his surgical procedures, chemical drugs, fancy concoctions and useless medical terminology had much more potential for financial gain than did the naturopath or "country doctor". They saw the country doctor as a threat to their growing influence and livelihood as well. In fact the medical terminology that doctors use was created precisely to make the average person feel ignorant and stupid and to keep people from ever trying to diagnose or cure themselves.

The AMA is all about doctors

The American Medical Association (AMA) was formed in 1847 specifically to protect the profits and practices of doctors, the MD, not the "country doctor" who they came to view as backwards and outdated. Of course they know that the methods and cures of the country doctor were far better, cheaper and safer than the drugs and surgery approach of the "medical doctor", also known as the "Slash and Burn" method, but it was all about the profits, so if the AMA was going to represent any group they knew that the MDs offered them the greatest chance at profits, growth and power. The AMA is a union created specifically for doctors, NOT patients, not to find cures, not to prevent disease, but to protect the profits of doctors. Just like any union, its job is to protect the jobs and income of its members. The AMA is not the wonderful, benign or righteous agency that it tries to convince the world that it is.

Western medical establishments know that nutrition prevents disease and cures most non-communicable diseases. Nutrition can also help to fight communicable diseases too. That's why they work so hard to suppress this knowledge; it's also why they're working so hard to get nutrients like vitamin c labeled as a "drug". They haven't yet, but they're not giving up on this either.

Most doctors will not tell you the power of nutrition, even if they believe in it themselves. This is why it's always best to educate yourself as much as possible on this subject and take control of your own health.

Learn more: naturalnews.com

Posted by Neil Bartlett DHyp M.A.E.P.H at 00:01 MEST
Updated: Saturday, 15 March 2014 02:01 MEST
Tuesday, 17 September 2013
Protein Intake & IGF-1 Production
Mood:  bright
Topic: Nutrition

Animal protein consumption triggers the release of the cancer-promoting growth hormone IGF-1.


Posted by Neil Bartlett DHyp M.A.E.P.H at 00:01 MEST
Updated: Tuesday, 17 September 2013 01:01 MEST
Tuesday, 23 July 2013
Eating Healthy on a Budget
Mood:  happy
Topic: Nutrition

When measured on a cost per serving, cost per weight, or cost per nutrition basis, fruits and vegetables beat out meat and junk food.


Posted by Neil Bartlett DHyp M.A.E.P.H at 00:01 MEST
Updated: Tuesday, 23 July 2013 01:59 MEST
Thursday, 18 July 2013
What's in a Burger?
Mood:  d'oh
Topic: Nutrition

Cleveland Clinic pathologists dissect fast food burgers to see what's inside.


Posted by Neil Bartlett DHyp M.A.E.P.H at 00:01 MEST
Updated: Thursday, 18 July 2013 01:40 MEST

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