Adath Yisroel Burial 

Dark Destiny Cemetery Photography

Adath Yisroel Burial Ground

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The Adath Yisroel Jewish Burial Ground is located in Carterhatch Lane, Enfield, London. While not in our usual vein of  Victorian interest it is a fascinating and atmospheric burial ground especially in the early morning light with the winter sun still low in the sky.

Historic information on this burial ground seems almost non-existent and just about the only information we can gain is that it appears to date from the 1920's or before.

Interestingly many graves had stones placed on top or adjacent to the stonework. We later discovered by talking to a gentleman at another Jewish cemetery that each visitor to the grave leaves a stone to signify their visit.

Enclosed in several small mausoleum type buildings were the graves of Rabbi's for which is required in Jewish faith that a light must burn for eternity. For visitors small candles are provided to help maintain that eternal light.

When we arrived en-route to another part of London it was still early and deserted. Signage gave no indication as to any photographic restrictions or regulations.

Photos taken on 11th October 2015.

Adath Yisroel Burial Ground
Carterhatch Lane