Brompton Cemetery In-depth

Brompton Cemetery is located near Earl's Court in West Brompton, a part of the Borough of Kensington & Chelsea in west London, England. It is managed by The Royal Parks and is one of the Magnificent Seven.
While the cemetery is still open for occasional new burials, today more people use it as a public park than as a place for mourning the dead.
It has featured in a number of films, including The Wisdom of Crocodiles (starring Jude Law), Crush (Imelda Staunton and Andie MacDowell) and "Johnny English" (starring Rowan Atkinson); as well as being used as a location by photographers such as Bruce Weber.
The cemetery was opened as part of an initiative in the mid-19th century to provide seven large, modern cemeteries (sometimes called the 'Magnificent Seven') in a ring round the outside of London of which Highgate Cemetery was another example. The inner-city cemeteries, mostly the graveyards attached to individual churches, had long been unable to cope with the number of burials and were seen as a hazard to health and an undignified way to treat the dead.
Brompton Cemetery was designed by Benjamin Baud and has at its centre a modest domed chapel (in the style of the basilica of St. Peter's in Rome), reached by long colonnades, and flanked by catacombs. The chapel is dated 1839.
Nutkins gravestone
Beatrix Potter, who lived in The Boltons nearby, took the names of many of her animal characters from tombstones in the cemetery and it is said that Mr McGregor's walled garden was based on the colonnades. Names on headstones included Mr Nutkins, Mr McGregor, a Tod (with that unusual single 'd' spelling), Jeremiah Fisher, Tommy Brock - and even a Peter Rabbett.
Famous occupants
Famous occupants of the cemetery include:
Tomasz Arciszewski - Polish socialist politician
William Edward Ayrton - British physicist
Samuel Baker - founder of Sotheby's auction house
Sir Squire Bancroft - actor and theatre impressario
Metropolitan Anthony (Bloom) of Sourozh - Russian Orthodox emigré metropolitan archbishop and author
Joseph Bonomi the Younger - sculptor, artist, Egyptologist and museum curator
George Borrow - author, traveller and linguist
Fanny Brawne - John Keats' muse
Sir James Browne - engineer
Francis Trevelyan Buckland - zoologist
Henry James Byron - actor and dramatist
William Martin Cafe - Indian Mutiny hero and VC recipient
Marchesa Luisa Casati - infamous Italian muse, eccentric and patron of the arts
William Cargill - politician and founder of Otago, New Zealand
John Graham Chambers - founder of the Amateur Athletic Association
Henry Cole - founder of the Victoria and Albert Museum, the Royal
Albert Hall, the Royal College of Music, the 1851 Great Exhibition and inventor of the Christmas card
William Crookes - chemist and physicist
Samuel Cunard - founder of the Cunard Line
Charles Fremantle - founded the Swan River Colony (Western Australia)
John William Godward - painter
George Goldie - "founded" Nigeria
Brian Glover - television and film actor
Geraldine Jewsbury - writer
William Claude Kirby - first chairman of Chelsea Football Club
Constant Lambert - composer and conductor
Percy E. Lambert - racing car driver
Nat Langham - middleweight bare-knuckle fighter
Long Wolf - Sioux Indian chief
Henry Augustus Mears - founder of Chelsea Football Club
Henrietta Moraes - writer, artist's model and muse to Francis Bacon
Roderick Murchison - geologist, originator of the Silurian system
Adelaide Neilson - English actress
Emmeline Pankhurst - Britain's leading suffragette
Percy Sinclair Pilcher - Inventor and pioneering aviator
Blanche Roosevelt - American opera singer and author
Tim Rose - American singer-songwriter
Samuel Smiles - biographer and inventor of "self-help"
Ethel Smyth - classical composer and suffragette
John Snow - anaesthesiologist and epidemiologist, demonstrated the link between cholera and infected water
Arthur Sullivan - (not the composer (of Gilbert & Sullivan fame) but one of his less-famous musical relations)
Richard Tauber - operatic tenor
Ernest Thesiger - character actor in such films as The Old Dark House and Bride of Frankenstein
Frederic Thesiger - 1st Baron Chelmsford - jurist and statesman
Brandon Thomas - author of Charley's Aunt
Frederic Augustus Thesiger - 2nd Baron Chelmsford - Commander-in-Chief in the Zulu War
Charles Blacker Vignoles - an influential early railway engineer, the Vignoles rail.
Richard Wadeson - VC recipient
Edward Wadsworth - artist
Thomas Attwood Walmisley - composer and organist.
Sir Robert Warburton - Anglo-Indian soldier and administrator
Reginald Alexander John Warneford - VC recipient
Sir Philip Watts - British naval architect, designer of the Elswick cruiser and the HMS Dreadnought.
Sir Andrew Scott Waugh - British army officer and surveyor, who named the highest mountain in the world after Sir George Everest
Benjamin Nottingham Webster - actor, theatre manager and playwright.
Sir Thomas Spencer Wells - surgeon to Queen Victoria, medical professor and president of the Royal College of Surgeons
Sir William Fenwick Williams - general, pasha and governor
John Wisden - cricketer and founder ofWisden Cricketers' Almanack
Bennet Woodcroft - textile manufacturer, industrial archaeologist, pioneer of marine propulsion, prime mover in patent reform and the first clerk to the commissioners of patents
Thomas Wright - antiquarian and writer
Johannes Zukertort - chess master

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