All photographs on DarkDestiny.co.uk & GothicLondon.co.uk are the property
of the owner.
All photographs on this site have been taken lawfully and where relevant
with permission and paid permits from the appropriate authority.
Dark Destiny.co.uk will not be held responsible for the use or misuse
of any information or material within this website.
We are aware of the emotive issues involved with our subject matter and
have no wish to cause offence.
This sites primary purpose is to capture the atmosphere
and architecture left behind by a revolutionary age and to promote the active interest and preservation of
such Cemeteries for future generations.
While we actively encourage people to visit
cemeteries featured in this site we would also ask that when doing so they should dress and behave in an respectful
manor. Please remember that grieving relatives may be present and the utmost respect should be shown to both the living and
the deceased.

For help and support with Bereavement please visit the following websites -
Necropolis: London and Its Dead by Catharine Arnold