Brompton Cemetery Open Day 2007

The Friends of Brompton Cemetery held their 2007 annual open day on 21st of July. The weather started out warm, sunny and dry but soon degraded into a near monsoon forcing people to take shelter under the colonnades in the chapel and in our case in the Catacomb.
In the chapel the Police had a display of Victorian crime fighting equipment and there was a fascinating array of Victorian 'Memento mori' mourning jewellery.
The Cemetery tours were popular while the weather lasted and a rare chance to venture down into a section of Catacomb was appreciated by many curious individuals.

Brompton Cemetery Open Day

Brompton Cemetery Open Day

Brompton Cemetery Open Day

Brompton Cemetery Open Day

Brompton Cemetery Open Day

Brompton Cemetery Open Day

Brompton Cemetery Open Day

Brompton Cemetery Open Day

Brompton Cemetery Open Day

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