Lady Anne Grimston

The Lady Who Would Not Believe

Lady Anne Grimston

Postcard circa 1910

The tomb of Lady Anne Grimston has become a local legend in rural Hertfordshire. Situated in the grave yard of St Peters Church in the village of Tewin the Chest Tomb of Lady Anne Grimston has for the last two centuries been plagued by the strange growth of trees from within the vault.
Lady Anne Grimston was to say the least a staunch atheist, the story goes that on her death bed in November 1780 the Lady refused to allow the Vicar to administer the last rites. She went on to say that should God and the teachings of the Bible be true then seven trees would sprout from her grave.


Lady Anne Grimston's Tomb 2006

The Tomb today is still under attack from one side, it would appear that other trees which feature in the postcard above have been removed at some stage. Although the tomb is enclosed within iron railings it becomes clear on closer inspection that those present today are not original, if you enlarge the photo below, on the left hand side the remains of the 1780's iron work can be seen protruding from the tree trunk.
If your ever in the area then this grave makes for a fascinating visit.

Lady Anne Grimston's Tomb 2006

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