The West Norwood Cemetery open day 2007 was held on Saturday June the 9th.
Exibitors were as follows -
Colourful Coffins, A display of eco friendly
and colourful coffins and caskets.
A. Yeatman & Sons, with their private Ambulance
J.B Wilson Funeral Services, had their Rolls-Royce Phantom limousine on display, built
in 1973 the Phantom was the former property of Her Majestry the Queen and used during the Queens 1974 tour of Australia and
New Zealand.
Motorcycle Funerals, The Reverend Paul Sinclair the Fastor Pastor and his Motorcycle hearse
company were giving rides around the Cemetery and a nice display of stuntmanship from the Reverend himself. see here
Edmunds & Sons, Fairground organ
Supreme Carriages, see here
Also in attendance were, Classic Hearse Register, James Harper, F.G
Marshalls, The Golden Charter, St. Christopher's Hospice, W Uden &
Sons Ltd, Floral Hall and Francis Chappells