Manor Park Cemetery

Covering fifty-acres, Manor Park Cemetery was established in 1874. The Cemetery is privately owned and is still run by the very same family who opened it over 130 years ago.
Being in London's East End the cemetery is also the last resting place of Annie Chapman the second victim of Jack the Ripper who was buried here in September 1888. Unfortunately the exact location of her grave is no longer known as that area of the Cemetery has long since been reused.
A pleasant, well maintained Cemetery, Manor Park contains some interesting monuments both old and new. Add that to the friendliness of the locals, it make this cemetery a worthwhile place to visit.

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Manor Park Cemetery

Manor Park Cemetery

Manor Park Cemetery

Manor Park Cemetery

Manor Park Cemetery

Manor Park Cemetery

Manor Park Cemetery

Manor Park Cemetery

Manor Park Cemetery

Manor Park Cemetery

Manor Park Cemetery

Manor Park Cemetery

Manor Park Cemetery

Manor Park Cemetery

Manor Park Cemetery

Manor Park Cemetery

Manor Park Cemetery

Manor Park Cemetery

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